Like a small city, the Dar Al Marefa school in Dubai spreads out in modular volumes set between streets and squares, encouraging discovery and learning. Using standardized components, the project of the Catalonian firm RCR – Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem, Ramon Vilalta – resembles a beehive. The decorative pattern of the lattices unifies the premises,…
Like a small city, the Dar Al Marefa school in Dubai spreads out in modular volumes set between streets and squares, encouraging discovery and learning. Using standardized components, the project of the Catalonian firm RCR – Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem, Ramon Vilalta – resembles a beehive. The decorative pattern of the lattices unifies the premises,…
RCR arquitectes
RCR arquitectes
RCR arquitectes
Gabriel Verd, arquitecto
Israel Alba, arquitecto
Alfonso Mollinedo, Isabel Rus, arquitectos
Davide Olivieri, arquitecto
Aires Mateus arquitectos
Aires Mateus
Aires Mateus
Aires Mateus
Aires Mateus
Aires Mateus
Aires Mateus
Aires Mateus
Aires Mateus
Aires Mateus
Jørn Utzon, Aulets, Lise Juel